What’s New?
We've made some updates to the Business.CT dashboard and some applications. These changes and new features will improve your experience and better assist you in completing tasks with the Secretary of the State (SOTS).
Table of Contents
Follow businesses
You can now “follow” businesses through your Business.CT dashboard. You’ll receive email notifications when specific filing actions are completed on those accounts. This feature is designed for business owners who might use a third party to file reports on their behalf, and to protect business owners against fraudulent activity. Please note, you can follow businesses without any extra steps, but you will need to confirm your identity before filing any reports on that account.
How to add a business to “My Followed Businesses:
- Search for the business you want to follow using our Business Search tool. A new filter now allows for exact name searches, excluding suffixes like 'LLC'."
- From the search results, click the “Follow” toggle to follow a given business.*
- You can select up to 8 businesses from each search. You can follow a maximum of 500 businesses.
- Once you’ve followed a business, select your preferences to receive email notifications about its filings. You can be alerted about name changes, annual report submissions, and more.
- Followed businesses will appear in your dashboard under “My Followed Businesses”.
Please note, even if you already have a linked business, you’ll still need to follow this process to have it display in your “My Followed Businesses.” - You will receive one email per business, per filing.
- You can adjust email notification settings for businesses after you follow them.
*There is also an option to follow multiple businesses in bulk. For this option, notification preferences are prompted first.
Filter business search by filing status
The Business Search tool now includes a new Sub Status filter. This filter helps you quickly identify the filing status of your active businesses. Please note, the Sub Status only applies to active businesses.
The Sub Statuses appear as follows:
Current - Business doesn't have any obligation to SOTS (Green)
Overdue - Past due on filings but no administrative action has been taken against them (Yellow)
Delinquent - Action has been taken against them (Red)
My Wallet feature
A new feature called “My Wallet” is now available in the Business.CT dashboard. Here, you can view and manage your existing payment cards on file.
Please note, a new payment method can’t be added from this location. The option to add a new payment method is presented during the online filing process.
Report warning for multiple filing submissions
You can no longer submit multiple filings for the same business simultaneously. Each filing first must be reviewed, and either accepted or rejected by SOTS, before you can submit the next one. If you do attempt to submit a filing while a previous one is still under review, you will be issued a warning message.
UCCs can submit paper filings
UCCs can now submit paper filings via the upload process.
Amend Annual Report before the due date
You now have the option to file an amended Annual Report before the due date.
This process uses the same general process as Filing an Annual Report but with additional validations. The fee is $25.
New process for Reinstatement
There is a new application in the menu to reinstate a business. Only authorized entities can reinstate a company.
To reinstate, you must confirm your identity and provide primary business details, including the business email address and NAICS information. Additional guidance will be provided at the time of reinstatement. Note that the Agent must be a Connecticut resident.
Withdraw a filing prior to it taking effect
There is a new application in the menu to withdraw a filing that has been made, prior to the effective date.
After authentication, the system determines if you have any businesses that are eligible for withdrawal meaning that filing has been approved with a future effective date. Fee is $120.
Extended entities for Foreign Investigation penalty payment.
Foreign Investigation penalties have been extended beyond LLCs, Foreign Corporations, and Foreign LLPs. Foreign Limited Partnerships and Foreign Statutory Trusts can now be subjected to the penalty.
Changes effective as of January 2025.