New Businesses
Foreign Investigations Penalties
Find out if you can be penalized for doing business in CT as an unauthorized foreign entity.
New Businesses Registration Forms and Fees -
Domestic limited liability companies forms and fees
What are the forms and fees for an LLC operating in CT?
Forms and Fees New Businesses -
Trademarks and service marks forms and fees
Get access to forms and fees for trademarks and service marks.
New Businesses Forms and Fees -
Foreign non-stock corporation forms and fees
Here is a list of the forms and fees required for foreign non-stock corporations in CT
Forms and Fees New Businesses -
Foreign limited liability partnerships forms and fees
Foreign LLPs operating in CT are required to file these forms and pay the following fees.
Forms and Fees New Businesses Registration -
Foreign limited liability companies forms and fees
Here are the forms and fees required for foreign LLCs operating in CT.
New Businesses Forms and Fees -
Domestic stock corporations forms and fees
What are the forms and fees paid by Domestic Stock Corporations in Connecticut?
Forms and Fees New Businesses -
Domestic statutory trusts forms and fees
What are the forms and filing fees for domestic statutory trusts in Connecticut?
Forms and Fees New Businesses -
Domestic non-stock corporations forms and fees
Here is a list of all filing fees and forms for domestic nonstock corporations in CT.
Forms and Fees New Businesses -
Entity transactions forms and fees
Find the forms and fees required for different business entities in Connecticut.
Forms and Fees New Businesses -
Business Licenses and Permits
Find out which licenses and permits your business needs in Connecticut.
License and Permits New Businesses -
Expedited services
These are the forms and fees for expedited business services in Connecticut.
Business Maintenance New Businesses Forms and Fees -
Get plain or certified copies of my business records
Learn how to get copies of your business records. Guidance on how to find records for free online, request copies, and request certified copies.
New Businesses Forms and Fees -
Choose a business structure
Get a primer on the types of businesses you can have in CT, including LLC, S-Corp, sole proprietorship, and more.
New Businesses -
Business Formation and Registration
Here's how to get started by registering your new business.
Registration Forms and Fees New Businesses -
Business registration licenses and permits