New Businesses
Entity transactions forms and fees
Find the forms and fees required for different business entities in Connecticut.
Forms and Fees New Businesses -
Domestic stock corporations forms and fees
What are the forms and fees paid by Domestic Stock Corporations in Connecticut?
Forms and Fees New Businesses -
Business Types
Get a primer on the types of businesses you can have in CT, including LLC, S-Corp, sole proprietorship, and more.
New Businesses -
Foreign Investigations Penalties
Find out if you can be penalized for doing business in CT as an unauthorized foreign entity.
New Businesses Registration Forms and Fees -
Benefits of Registration
Learn the key reasons people register a business.
Registration New Businesses -
Trademarks and service marks forms and fees
Get access to forms and fees for trademarks and service marks.
New Businesses Forms and Fees -
Foreign limited liability partnerships forms and fees
Foreign LLPs operating in CT are required to file these forms and pay the following fees.
Forms and Fees New Businesses Registration -
Business Formation and Registration
Here's how to get started by registering your new business.
Registration Forms and Fees New Businesses -
Does It Need to Be in CT
Find out if your principal business address needs to be in Connecticut.
Registration Forms and Fees New Businesses -
Certificate of Legal Existence
What is a Certificate of Legal Existence?
Forms and Fees New Businesses Business Maintenance -
Incubators for Small Businesses in CT
Learn about organizations and programs that can help you plan, finance, and launch your startup.
New Businesses -
Food Service Business Requirements
Learn more about licenses needed to run a cottage food business in CT.
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Get an EIN
See how you can get an EIN for your business.
New Businesses -
Reserving a Business Name
Find out why you should reserve a business name.
New Businesses Registration -
New Business Starts
Get linked to free business starts and stops data and other important information for and about Connecticut companies.
Business Data New Businesses Registration -
Address Exemption
Learn when you can make your business address confidential.
Registration New Businesses