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With the COVID-19 pandemic evolving in new directions, employers need to keep up with the latest CDC guidance, protocols and laws. It’s important to understand how to navigate different situations when employees get COVID-19. By doing so, businesses can help keep everyone safe, support employee needs and avoid potential problems. 

Quarantine and Isolation When Employees Are Affected By COVID-19

Employees need to quarantine or isolate if they are:

  • unvaccinated

  • not up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines (e.g., upboosted)
In 2022, the CDC issued an updated a 5-day quarantine guidance. Affected individuals need to monitor any COVID-19 symptoms that develop for 5 days. This includes being fever-free for at least 24 hours.

Employees may discontinue quarantine/isolation depends on the improvement of symptoms (by day 5). They can also consult with a doctor. If symptoms persist past 5 days, the individual needs to continue staying home until they improve.

This rule applies to anyone who develops symptoms, tests positive for COVID-19 (i.e., symptomatic and asymptomatic), and those who were exposed.

Employers cannot require test results or a note from a healthcare provider in order for employees to return.

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The Basics: Vaccines, Masks and Social Distancing

Stay informed about what CT businesses need to know about vaccines, masks and social distancing.
Learn More